Restoration Christian Fellowship Church


The Vanishing Family

12.03.16 | From the Overseer's Desk | by Overseer Joseph Ingram

The Vanishing Family

    The Vanishing Family

    The Beauty of God’s Handiworks
    “The family in its old sense is disappearing from America, and not only our free institutions are threatened, but the very existence of our society is endangered.”

    Our children are hoisting distress signals. There confusion, bouts of senseless destruction, fits of temper, depression, display of sullen indifferences, and lawless acts (like killing, etc., in our schools) tells me our children are in trouble. They know things aren’t right, and they’re pleading for adults to take charge. We as a nation mustn’t ignore their cries for help by passing them off as mere “stages” of growth. More significantly, they are individual symptoms that mirror parallel disorders in most of this society.

    In structuring society, God created three great institutions; the church, the family, and the state (government). Each plays a vital role in order and survival as well as in individual freedom and comfort. Combined they constitute the world’s best defense against Satan’s plot to take over the

    Now one may assume that the church (Body of Christ) is God’s most important institution. And of course, the state is important because a nation must have organization to prevent anarchy and chaos. But God created the family first—in the Garden of Eden at the time He created Adam and Eve. The family was therefore, the primary institution on which God placed His divine seal of approval.

    Not only is the family the oldest institution in society, it is also the basic element of a society. Years ago I came across this saying, “As the home goes, so goes the nation.” America is being raped of God’s Judea Christian principles.

    What God has ordained as the primary building block of America, Satan has attacked badly. He has unleashed the power of hell, doing everything possible to destroy the family because he knows it’s the very foundation and fiber of civilization. What makes it so bad many of the Christian (churches) have fallen for Satan’s tactics. That’s why many Christians are in a state of confusion and disarray.

    I have faith in my God who sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Although Satan will not succeed in his plan to eradicate the family, steps must be taken to preserve its dignity, its unity, and its very ability to lend character to uniformed young lives.

    Families must be organized, have clearly defined responsibilities and be well disciplined. With these factors present and operating, the family will function most effectively. Without them there will be division, lack of unity, and a condition perhaps approaching anarchy. Knowing this, Satan wages his greatest attacks on the family structure in precisely these three areas. It’s definitely has to start in Christian homes first, because we are suppose to be lights to the world. We have to be the bible to the world.

    But in most homes today, the name of the game is confusion. Everybody is concerned and dedicated to their rights, privileges and independence. There is no head, no authority figure, no consistency in discipline and organization. The average American family is in shambles, and this regrettably includes many Christian families. Restoration we are going to be the spiritual vessels (lights) in our homes, churches, etc., so God can be glorified.

    With godly Love,
    Overseer Joseph L. Ingram